Wednesday, 9 November 2011

going somewhere new

Today I went somewhere new, there is nothing like it.

I will go there again.

Monday, 7 November 2011

Music v Art

It became an issue when I started art school and then joined a band and realised that singing was bloody ace.

Art was my first love,it defined my character,I do art, that's who I am.
But music, that was other people's territory. The Grade 8ers, the serious musicians, with application to their chosen instrument.
Of course writing this down makes me see the ridiculousness of my statements about music.

I love art. I can be moved by it, eternally satisfied by it.....but music......
Music stirs me in a way I just cant fathom.
It stirs the bottom of my pond.
It shows me my unknown unknowns.
It speaks a language I cannot put into words.
I love music and here is my declaration to do it more, every day, to share it, listen to and talk about it to everyone I can....
so watch out, if you see me coming run for the hills or get ready to chew the fat over this ace thing we call music. raaaahhhhhhhhhh!