Firstly why am I doing this? I don't have to... I have now sung Aguas De Marco maybe 50 times and I still haven't sung it through without stumbling over a word or three.....and there is the great question of what is the point of art/creating stuff/gaining skills/climbing the mountain. With this lyric learning, I'm trying to work a way around myself, I DO know what the words are but other thoughts pop into my head or I just believe I am going to mess up. I am trying lots of different ways to nail this song... in a gentle way, ha ha. I've slowed the metronome to 111bpm. I do feel stuck, but I reckon I will get it, singing with the music should help...keep going...keep climbing the mountain, make the rubber meet the road, humph.grrrrrrr. This picture makes me laugh because it's me in a rage....determination!Just read a good quote from Peter Gabriel, 'creativity comes from the freedom to fail'.