Next week we will be doing a Live Stream from Outpost Gallery of the latest Neutrinos release, Apocalyptic. The live stream will be recorded so we thought we'd make a video for the song, in the moment.
This involves the planning I love, counting out bars, counting seconds it takes us to move from one scene to another. It felt very much like the process of making a KlangHaus. Practicing shots and angles, placements of artwork and props. Continuity of what we are wearing. There is an outside pre-recorded location which we shot last Thursday and we have to make sure when we plan the preceding shot, which will be in Outpost, that we look exactly the same.
The song is a free form improvisation that Mark unravelled in one take. He says,'Apocalyptic is an improvisation on the end of days, the end of things and perhaps the beginning of new things. It’s playful, it’s a notional visit to Waikiki and Honolulu by way of Cromer.
Why Waikiki? It’s such a lovely word to sing and WaiWai not? Honolulu, it’s all disappearing, we’re all disappearing, and this is just a little poem to us all disappearing into the sea, back into the sea, the lovely sea, where we all come from.'

You can tune in live 19:00 30/07/20 at this link

The cover artwork to the music is another in the series of Paul Flack, Nathan Clarke is film director.
a sneak preview of the track itself is available