Thursday, 18 August 2011

More photocopier nerdification

So Jonathan Webb from EBS copiers arrived and cleaned the photocopier.
a service costs £49.50 plus £15.00 every hour? 15 minutes? minute? not sure.....
He was great and gave us a maintenance manual for our lovely ancient machine.

Our Konica 1216 has only done 70,000 copies which is nothing apparently, 1 million is what you might expect.

JW cleaned the 7 or 8 mirrors, he cleaned the bit with 2 wires which carry a high electrical charge and sound like a guitar string.

The blackness returned and we learnt how to keep the black.

So, each time you do a copy a portion of toner is used. The reservoir where the toner lives pushes out a bit of toner( more than for just one copy) ready for the next copy.
Now, if we have photocopied a totally black page, loads of toner would have been used, hence not much left for the next copy, so, the next copy might be a bit pale.
So, if we do totally black pages and used shed loads of toner, we have to trick the reservoir into depositing more toner out into position for the next copy.

We do this by photocopying a white page (a copy done but no toner used) Hence the toner stock builds up ready for next copy.

I'll stop now.


1 comment:

  1. Can you please share more information about the photocopier I am searching for the latest technology in photocopiers.
    Photocopier Repairs Southend
