Tomorrow morning we leave for a weeks KlangHausing at the old Colchester bus depot. The first KlangHaus in a semi derelict building since our early beginnings at Westlegate tower. That comes with it's own challenges, like no insurance possibilities. We are now liaising with over night security guards...interesting and expensive! We have had an amazing week. Funding for the project was confirmed..that was a nerve wracking wait! We confirmed accommodation on Tuesday, again, nerve wracking leaving it so late in the day, but I had a hunch it would work out, lesson learned...follow the hunch! Listen to intuition.We are all in varying states of exhaustion but looking forward to coming together and helping each other thrive. We are on the cusp of becoming full-time artists, thanks to the continuing support and arse-kicking from the Norwich Arts Centre. I hope to share our experience, share our determination and hard work and inspiration with others. Dream and make it real.
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