Monday, 3 August 2020

Apocalypse - The nuts n bolts

I'm really proud of the video we ended up with from the live stream event last Thursday... but just wanted to share the nuts and bolts. In order to pace out where we needed to be, we broke the song down into bars and eventually when filming just into seconds and minutes. Jon did a recording counting out the bars so we could take audio cues during practice sessions. I listened to it so many times that I can only hear the song in terms of where I should be.

We are really proud of the green screen section where we walk through a door in the Outpost building in Anglia Square out onto Cromer beach. The continuity was crucial and photos and diagrams were made as we were responsible for ourselves and the order and selection of items we were wearing. Everything had to be secured well for our walk into the sea. We did lose a kettle to the waves. Luckily not the same kettle I wore into the sea last September that, even though it was an electric kettle, it still works perfectly... 

Huge thanks to Nathan Clarke for directing, brain surgeoning the shots and putting the whole thing together with camera folks, Tom and Dhugal. Thanks to the wonderful Pasco Q Kevlin for his guest appearance and to Outpost for the commission to do this. 

Attention to detail lights my fire and I spent many an hour creating the Apocalyptic maps and charts... which are for sale here at Bandcamp. Sharing the process seems a good way to feel connected.

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