Thursday, 22 January 2015

Neutrinos Writing Weekend Day 1

Neutrinos Writing Weekend Day 1 We wanted to go away...find a strange place to work. We stayed at home to see if we could be creative in our comfort zone. starting points: Friday 10am: Write a simple melody : time limit 10 mins Starting point : What did you dream last night? What do we want to say? : time limit 5 mins What do we want to say/infer in our songs/art? LISTENING choose a song each, listen to it and say why you like it. Write a simple melody : time limit 10 mins Respond to a visual: write a short melody : time limit 10 mins The musical word: time limit 10 mins find the rhythmic and melodic shape of a word Choose one word individually, choose one word you all respond to. Give a 2 minute TED lecture. Prep time 5 mins Audio Describe: time limit 5 mins describe the music in the opening sequence of a film. Cut-up: get a newspaper /magazine or just write words on paper. cut up the individual words or short phrases, put then in a bowl. mix them up, take it in turns to pull out a word. Make sentences / lyrics Go for a walk. time limit 20 minutes record a background sound record another sound record an interaction you have with a stranger record something indoors return home, share your findings. Manifesto: Write a manifesto to focus your intentions. Song Writing Masterclass: approx 30 mins - Write a paragraph telling someone to do something or go somewhere. Make that paragraph only 10 syllables. Make those 10 syllables 3 words. - Think of a subject, make a word pool by writing down any words associated with your subject. Condense and simplify each part of the word and sound of the word are important internal rhyme extended lines If you get stuck change the context of your prose ...turn it into a letter to someone (Iain Lowery top tip) At the end of day one we tried an exercise that was too big and too complicated, writing 10 riffs, 10 melodies, 10 bass lines, 10 drum patterns... we got lost and felt despondent we listened to music for a few hours and felt great.

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