Friday, 23 January 2015

Neutrinos Writing Weekend Day 2

Set-up musical instruments. 1 hour Create a drone create lyrical content, have a word pool. create a melody create a sonic world introduce a new person to your working group. Simple Accompaniments choose three chords create a pulse create a melody play choose three more chords repeat Make a chord sequence by assigning ABCDEFG to a word. KLANGHAUS ABCDEFG HIJKLMN OPQRSTU VWXYZ HOV = A IPW= B JQX = C KRY = D LSZ = E MT = F NU = G DEAFGAAGE Go Outside Take a book and turn to page 113 point to the middle of the page and read your instructions for outside. Story Telling warm-up.... word association word non-association word association loop - the start word needs to be returned to after three circuits. Make up a story...give it a soundtrack Break it into a beginning middle and end. Read it aloud to the group Using your Manifesto or 'what do we want to write about' list write some phrases with a word pool. write a story, research your subject to add to the word pool find a pulse choose some chords/ an atmosphere/mood play.

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