Friday 22 September 2017

KlangHaus want radio

Six months forward from my previous blog... 800 Breaths at the RFH was a triumph. We put in place a rigorous structure for working, time lines and lots of checking in with each other, which made for a smooth and fun show creation period and installation. We don't have to be tortured artists, we just need to be good. Good means happy to fail as well as succeed. At the beginning of the 40 show run I wanted to be asked to return, somehow. We have been asked to return, in order to be part of the re-opening of the Queen Elizabeth Hall. We are currently in Stockport in a recording studio called Eve, it is a Klang House. A domestic house full of vintage gear and sonic possibilities. We aim to record four tracks and other stuff from the 800 Breaths show in order to build a relationship with radio. Radio has eluded us and that stinks.